

Intuitive Readings

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Why do I need a reading you ask!

  • A major upheaval has left you feeling lost

  • Messages from your loved one! Are they ok?

  • You’re sensing there is more out there and don’t know why you feel this way, where has this come from?

  • Where am I going in life, feeling stuck

Karen will intuitively connect with your energetic vibration instantly via the sound of your voice frequency.  As her training has brought her sound vibration to another level, where she can hear from your voice messages from your inner soul, to what you are feeling right at that point in time.

She will assist you to connect with your higher self, to help guide you on the best possible path.

She will at times pull out her oracle cards that she has personally enhanced, as she completes a form of healing where the colours on the cards are manipulated to blend when she is reading.

At times she will give you a card to hold, where you can experience this incredible warmth emanating from it, while your whole mind body and soul starts the healing process of change.

You will leave the reading feeling more uplifted and looking at life through different coloured lenses.As life is full of colour and positive possibilities, it’s just knowing where and how to tap into them.

So you have more to gain to receive your first guidance session with Karen.

You owe it to yourself, what if, what if I don’t!!

Time to make that change and find out more about what you don’t know, and claim back your power.

BOOK NOW and send Karen a message for your booking


Phone Or Skype Readings


Allow Karen to listen to the frequency of your voice where she will tune in and uncover your full potential.

She will pick up on your weaknesses that may be holding you back, and see why you can’t move forward.

Karen will bring through loved ones to assist with a step by step guidance for you to achieve your potential on your souls journey.

When she sees a blockage of any kind, she will assist with absent healing in which you may feel some changes that can take place right then and there.

It’s an exciting way to receive guidance when you are unable to sit with her in Wellington, New Zealand.

So what’s holding you back right now? Fear?

Don’t allow it to hold you prisoner any longer, make contact with Karen now!

So she can see what is waiting in front of you in a positive form.


Psychic Intuitive Shaman Healing

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Karen takes this to the next level of healing, where she brings through her teachings from quantum physics combined with her natural healing gift from her grandmother, to assist your body to find its equilibrium within.

  • Feeling drained and emotionally low

  • Everything getting on top of you

  • Don’t know how to pick yourself back up

  • Aches and pains

  • Wanting to lift your vibration to connect on a higher frequency level for your exciting journey ahead

You will experience incredible warmth emanating from her hands, as she lifts the weight of stress off your shoulders, feeling a complete sense of peace within.

Karen looks at your body through the pain you are experiencing to a frequency that she reads to assist in lowering the frequency it resonates on, as she talks you through the shift that your body will naturally be experiencing.

Each healing is unique in its own right, as not one is the same.

With a safe and healing environment, the beautiful peaceful surrounds of the water view and peaceful music playing in the background, you will instantly feel comfortable and ready to let go and surrender to what maybe holding you back.


Property Cleansing


Do you have that sense the house is heavy, depressive, well it just could be!

Your house has a vibration too and most people are unaware of this and have no idea how to lift the vibration.

Karen has completed a mastery of Feng Shui to give you some guidance for placement of furniture in your home, to the frequency emanating from the light coming in from the windows, to placement of the compass, to where you should be sleeping for a better nights sleep.

Have you had your house blessed and cleansed from the previous owners?

Is there a dark spot in one area of your home?

Does one of the rooms seem a lot colder to the rest of the house?

Has someone died in the home?

Are you seeing things going past you, in the corner of your eye?

Your child not wanting to settle at nights, feeling scared or screaming awake?

I offer a service of $250 for 1 – 1.5 hours at your residence within the Wellington Region.  

Phone consultations Internationally are also available.


Speaking Engagements

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Looking for a unique presentation, which will start people questioning what they can’t see!

It will help to inspire others on the world of quantum physics, energy in which is all around us, yet it is so powerful.

How can we work with it?

How can we bring it into our life to achieve our own goals.

Learn about how everything we see is vibrating on frequencies, and our eyes only see a solid mass, giving it form.

Allow me to show you how I have taken this mathematical science to yet another level with the crystals from the ground.

If you are interested in finding out more enquire now in bookings.

TESTIMONIAL from Lifestyle Journeys Holistic Retreats

“If you are looking for a presenter who is motivational, inspirational, driven and knowledgeable about her topic then look no further. 

Karen Odell has presented at a selection of Lifestyle Journeys Holistic Retreats, and she won our audience over in no time.

Her passion to help people from all walks of life so as they can live a better life is what shines through along

with her great sense of humour and down to earth approach.” 

Sharon Breslin, Founder Lifestyle Journeys Ltd


Animal Healing and Communication


Has your pet been suffering or just don’t know how to help them?

Have you considered alternative painless therapy for their well-being?

Your pet can be like your best friend

I’ve worked with a farm of Alpaca’s that were dying, to find out what was causing this condition, to a racehorse with behaviour problems, to a horse that suffered from major anxiety when he could not see his girlfriend. Right down to cats and dogs suffering with pain.

I had a life and death situation with my own dog, as she was run over. The vet advised me that she only had up to 3 hours to live. He said she looks like she has brain damage and paralyzed.

I starting straight away with the healing and worked with her for 6 hours, the vet rang me to say I could come and collect her, as she was now responding to her name and able to walk, he could not get over the recovery in such a short time.

I took her back 2 days later for a follow up and she was completely normal, but she still had the tyre marks on her back, along with one bloodshot eye.

My brother who witnessed her getting hit, could not get over that it was the same dog to recover so fast, he asked me is this even the same dog?

How do I work?

I assess your pet in which therapy would best suit the situation and most times I work with my quantum physics biofeedback machine to assess what is happening internally, as animals respond so well to this type of therapy.

I would highly recommend a quantum physics pet pendant on

These crystals are infused with quantum frequency energy so I can work with your fur baby individually.

Otherwise I can do the hands on healing.

Or if you feel there is a behaviour problem, let me connect with your pet to see what is going on.

I have also been used to find the location of a missing pet and has been very successful, to connect with the pet to come home.

Ask me a question in Contacts


Aura Photos


Energy Aura Photo

What does your Energy Aura Photo show?

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On the left hand side photo you can see the energy before a person walks into it.

The photo on the right is showing so many layers to the person intwining with the energy of the space.

Allow me to read your photo and let’s see what comes up for you.

Pregnancy Aura Photo

Allow me to come and visit you at your home when you are further on in your pregnancy to show

you the energy of your child within.  It is a very special service that I provide, and one that you get to see your baby in another light.

You receive a range of photos up to 3-4 photos that you like the best that you can display or keep in the baby’s photo album.

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Please seek advice from a medical professional if you have any pain or discomfort as I am not a medical professional and do not claim to be one. I cannot diagnose.

All that is on this website is my own personal opinion for educational purposes only

The energy healing and readings and programmed crystals should be used alongside traditional medicine.